PAU-Selectividad, pregunta formulada por gra1Cfrozamira, hace 1 año

Después de leer atentamente el texto y las cuestiones siguientes, el alumno deberá responder en INGLÉS a las cuestiones proporcionadas


Nomophobia: Mobile Phone Addiction
Are you addicted to your phone? According to a recent survey in the UK, almost
two thirds of respondents were afflicted with “nomophobia” or “no mobilephone
phobia”. “Some people get panic attacks when they are without their
phones,” said Michael Carr, an adolescent psychologist. “Others become very
concerned and make all endeavors to locate their mobile phone. I have clients
who abstain from school or their part-time jobs to look for their phones when
they cannot find them in the morning.”

According to the survey, the younger you are, the more prone you are to
nomophobia. The youngest age group (18-24) tops the nomophobic list at 77%,
which is 11% more than that of the next group – those aged 25-34. “This is the
most tribal generation of young people,” said Carr. “Adolescents want to be with
their friends on a 24-hour basis.”

The reasons that drive young people to nomophobia include boredom and
insecurity, while some young nomophobes cannot bear solitude. “Many of my
clients go to bed with their mobile phones just like one did with a teddy bear in
the old days,” he said. “While teddy doesn't communicate, the phone does,” said
Carr, adding insomnia to the list of potential problems. “Some kids cannot
entertain themselves. The phone has become our digital security blanket.”

Accidents lurk while nomophobes fix their attention on phones. Nomophobes
reported accidents while messaging or talking on the phone, which include
minor road accidents, falling while going upstairs or downstairs and stumbling
while walking. More than 20% also reported pain in the thumbs due to excessive


5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.

Do you think Spanish teenagers are addicted to their mobile phones? Give reasons
for your answer.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)

Prueba de selectividad para la comunidad de Madrid. Convocatoria Jun 2012-2013. Inglés.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Ceci2017
5.- Write about 100 to 150 words on the following topic.

Do you think Spanish teenagers are addicted to their mobile phones? Give reasons for your answer.

If I think about me and my friends, and specially the social circles I frequently find myself in, I’d say that yes, we Spanish teenagers are addicted to our phones. We are always checking our social media apps to see if we have a new comment or like, or to find out if there’s a new meme going around. We don’t even ring the bell anymore, we text that someone we’re outside. We are always looking for an electrical plug to be able to charge our phones and if we don’t, we get stressed out and grumpy. But we’re also learning that as much fun as phones are, we still need to disconnect ourselves and live in the moment, enjoying our friends and family.

Prueba de selectividad para la comunidad de Madrid. Convocatoria Jun 2012-2013. Inglés.
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