Inglés, pregunta formulada por vacevedo2002, hace 1 año

describe what jesus showed to us with his actions on earth and the way he lived

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Contestado por acruz11234567
Jesus taught us to love and serve one anotherFrom his teachings in the Bible we learn to honor our parents and love our children. We learn to cling to our spouses. Helping people in need and visiting and assisting the sick and elderly are other things Jesus taught. In turn, we can teach our children to develop empathy for others. We can also teach them to honor their parents and respect and serve other people.Jesus taught chastity before marriage and fidelity during marriage“The Lord has His way, or the way, to love. Those of the world say that what really matters is that two people love each other ... He teaches us more: that there is an authorized way and time to express that love,” says Ellis. Reserving sex for marriage and staying true to our spouses prevents the heartache and complications associated with sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, diminished trust and broken families.Jesus taught us how to raise childrenDuring his life on earth Jesus was very compassionate with children. He defended them and, by his example, taught us to be patient and loving toward children. Parents have the obligation to teach their children right and wrong. Ellis reminds us that, “what happens inside the home is far more important than what our children encounter outside.”Jesus taught us to prayJesus’s disciples often witnessed him praying. We are taught to pray so that we can draw nearer to God. Whether we want to give thanks, need help with a certain situation or just comfort after a bad day, we can turn to God in prayer. “Our Heavenly Father knows us, loves us, and wants to help. He knows best how to help. We are not spiritual orphans!” says Ellis.
He taught self-controlJesus commanded us to refrain from lying and stealing. He taught that we shouldn’t be idle and that we should be engaged in good works. Christ also warned against coveting material things and other people’s spouses. When we’re obedient to his commandments and we temper our appetites and passions, we grow spiritually. We feel peace in doing what is right.As we consider the example of Jesus Christ, there are dozens more teachings we could add to this list. None of us go through life without committing errors and falling into shady paths. But like the prodigal son, Jesus welcomes us back when we falter. We can repent and be forgiven for our mistakes. As we follow his example and try to live his way, we remember Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
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