Describe the fashion style of these urban tribes
metal head
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The trends in clothing are generally determined by the ideals, cultures and social preferences of the people, in the present activity, we will describe the fashion styles, raised.
Fashion Style Urban Tribes
They always wear black and ripped, scruffy clothes, skintight pants, leather jackets, and generally dirty and old shoes. His hair is short and spiked, like a hedgehog.
They wear skinny pants that are characterized by having them to the middle of the buttocks and very close to the legs, they always prefer black, their shirts are smaller sizes, dirty shoes or boots, they wear ribbons or bracelets around the neck and wrists with the in order to hide their scars. Their hair is usually short and covers half of their faces.
Metal Head
They use many metal elements in their clothing, in jackets, belts and accessories. Black predominates in their clothing, leather and boots, their hair is long and disheveled.
They generally wear oversize fashion, very long and baggy shirts as well as the top of their pants, use bright colors in clothing as well as somewhat extravagant accessories, they are especially attracted to flannels, sports shoes, caps and hoods. Very short hair style predominates, although some wear it long and braided.
They like tight jeans and shorts with high socks, the shoes they wear are special in their style, they are flat between casual and sporty, they prefer hoods and caps, their colors are sober, although they can also wear them more vividly.
They are characterized by wearing white t-shirts and skinny jeans with high boots, denim jackets.
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