Historia, pregunta formulada por eocassani, hace 7 meses

Describe los problemas del gobierno de Jacobo I con el parlamento inglés:

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por sonic234


On the eve of the solemn opening of the second session of the first Parliament of his reign, on November 5, 1605, a soldier named Guy Fawkes was discovered in the cellars of the Palace of Westminster with a torch and matches, not far from a pile of firewood and two dozen barrels of gunpowder with which he intended to blow up the Palace the next day, causing death, as the king himself pointed out, "not only ... of myself, or of my wife and posterity ( ...), but of the entire body of the State ".61 Horrified, Jacobo refused to leave his residence for many days. Guy Fawkes, the one responsible for executing the plot, was tortured until he revealed the identities of the other conspirators, all of whom were executed or killed during his capture.

The alleged plan of these Catholic extremists, led by Robert Catesby, was to replace Jacobo with his daughter Elizabeth, whom they hoped to convert to Roman Catholicism. With royal support and a return to obedience to Rome, all of England could be recatolized. The discovery of the Gunpowder Plot, as it quickly became known, sparked popular sentiment that Salisbury exploited to obtain much larger subsidies from Parliament than Queen Elizabeth had received.62

One theory, held by some historians [who?], Is that the Gunpowder Plot was cleverly concocted by Robert Cecil, or that he at least had prior knowledge of it and allowed it to unfold, only to "discover" and abort it in the first place. Last moment. This theory concludes that Robert Cecil's plan was to create a feeling of national unity that would allow Parliament to grant the king the sums of money he asked for. If this theory were correct, Guy Fawkes and his colleagues were mere pawns in a much larger game.


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