Inglés, pregunta formulada por aolguin824, hace 5 meses

De la 11-12 elije el verbo que es el correcto.
11. I, you, we, they
a) leans
b) Learn
12. he, she, it
a) dance
b) dances
elije opción correcta en las oraciones en negativo con:
don'to doesn't
13. Luis
a) don't
to the school
b) doesn't
14. Ram
a) don't
go to the gyn.
b) doesn't
15. the cat
a) don't
like the milk.
b) doesn't
16. We often go to the movies.
a) doesn't b) don't
17. They understand this rule.
a) doesn't b) don't
18. Arturo
a) don't
plant flowers.
b) doesn't
19. Nancy
a) don't
wear shorts.
b) doesn't
escribe la oración en negative
20. Jorge makes his bed. ayuda​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jaque308


11. b

12. b

13. b

14. b

15. b

16. b

17. b

18. b

19. b

20. Jorge doesn't make his bed


doesn't se ocupa únicamente con teceras personas (It, He, and She)

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