Cuento corto en voice passive en simple past
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One day I was in my house and my grandma arrived to my house and her dog, he was little and I had a dog to. The little dog was scared by my dog. My dog was jealous by the little dog. The dog was gived to me by my grandma because of my birthday. They did not are friend. for now.
When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me. He wanted me to take him for a walk. I was too hungry, so first I had breakfast. I had a glass of milk and a piece of toast. Then I washed my teeth and put on a track-suit and a heavy coat, because it was really cold outside. Fox was already impatient. We both went out, and walked to the park near home. He ran and jumped, and pursued some passers-by. He also destroyed some pieces of furniture somebody left on the road. I sat on a bench all
the time, wishing I could be inside my warm bed. When my hands were frozen, I decided it was time to go back home. Fox didn’t want to, but I pulled hard and I managed to take him back. When we arrived at the front door, I realized I didn’t have my keys with me, so we stayed out in the cold for more than an hour! Fox was happy, but I was late for work!
En español
Día de Ben.
Cuando me desperté esta mañana, me encontré a mi perro, Fox, que me estaba esperando. Quería que yo le de un paseo. Tenía demasiada hambre, así que en primer lugar el desayuno. Yo tenía un vaso de leche y un trozo de pan tostado. A continuación, me lavé los dientes y poner en una pista y un abrigo pesado, porque en realidad era frío fuera. Fox ya estaba impaciente. Los dos salieron y caminaron hasta el parque cerca de mi casa. Corrió, y dio un salto, y algunos de los transeúntes. También destruyeron algunos muebles alguien en la carretera