Castellano, pregunta formulada por milagrosandre25, hace 4 meses

Cuento corto en español y traducido en Ingles

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por flordmzv2019


Once upon a time there was a dog named Kutta who lived in a big city in India. It had no owner and was dedicated to wandering the streets sniffing all the corners, almost always looking for something to eat.

His life was so lonely that he used to turn to his imagination to get an idea of ​​how things were, how the world worked. It can be said that Kutta spent the day guessing about this, the other, and the afterlife.

For example, if a lady threw leftover broth onto the public highway, he would think:


- 'Oh, how generous is that woman! Surely he has seen me, he has realized that I am hungry, and very kindly he has thrown the bones for me to eat them. '

Or if a kid threw a stick in the air, he would smile and say to himself:

- ‘What a nice boy! He throws it away because he knows that dogs love to fetch sticks and balls. I am convinced that what he wants is to play with me and that if he could, he would adopt me. '

Kutta saw life in his own way, from his particular point of view, and he was happy.


It happened that one day he passed in front of a gate that served to delimit a splendid garden. Coincidentally, the front gate was wide open.

- Oh, what a nice place! … And it doesn't seem dangerous! I'll take a little walk to see what I find.

Kutta entered and paced as leisurely, as if he were the lord of the property, among towering trees and exotic flowers. At last, after a long journey, he came to a pond full of little blue fish. Faced with such an enchanting vision, he began, as always, to fantasize.

- Oh, what a beauty! This must be heaven on earth because everything in this place is wonderful. I bet tonight's dinner that a prince lives here.

He rounded the pond, crossed a grove of trees, and before his eyes appeared an incredible marble palace, crowned by a golden dome that gleamed in the sun.

- Ma ... ma ... oh my, what a great case!

After the initial shock, Kutta lacked time to resume his mania of drawing conclusions from everything.

- But where am I?!… This place is amazing! It is clear that the owner is someone very intelligent because to get this mansion you have to be smart and know how to earn a lot of money.


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