Crear un diálogo (máximo una hoja bond A-4). Título: “The ideal street vendor at this time of the Covid-19 “(El Ambulante ideal en esta época de Covid- 19). Hacer un diálogo donde tú eres una entrevistadora de cualquier canal de TV peruana. Tú entrevistas a un vendedor ambulante (imaginariamente). Hazle preguntas que traten sobre el producto que vende, como está pasando esta situación del Covid 19, como debe vestirse ahora, que cuidados debe tener para no contagiarse ni contagiar a nadie con el virus, como debe atender al público, etc. Recuerda que tú debes crear a este vendedor ambulante e inventar un diálogo.
Respuestas a la pregunta
The ideal street vendor at this time of the Covid-19
Hello, good morning, ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to interview Eduardo a street vendor, who despite being in a pandemic risks his life to be able to take the money home. A very sad story that will make us reflect on everything.
Hi Eduardo, thanks for accepting our interview.
-You're welcome.
First of all, why did you accept our interview?
- Eduardo: I accepted this interview, so that people realize, that it is not that I go out because I want to and because I am selfish, if not to work and bring food to my house.
- Thank you very much Eduardo, I know how difficult you must be going through this pandemic and more when exposing yourself to the virus.
1- What is the most difficult for you, in the situation you are in?
Eduardo: The most difficult thing is that we do not have help from the government, and we have to expose ourselves to the virus, every day in order to bring food to our home.
Are you afraid of getting sick from the virus and infecting another?
-Eduardo: Of course, and more considering that I can infect my family, neighbors, etc. It is not that I want to go out, and play the net. It is a need that I have.
When people go shopping, will you let them try on their clothes?
-Eduardo: Not absolutely not. Not only for me but also for the people who later come to want to buy the clothes and they can catch it .I take the necessary measures to take care of myself and take care of the people who come to buy.
What measures do you take to prevent Covid-19?
-Eduardo: I take many measures, one of them is:
1: Don't let people touch clothes.
2- I put alcohol gel on their hands when they come and when they leave.
3- We must be at least 3 meters away.
4- I don't let them buy if they don't have masks, or chinstraps. Among many other things.
How does this affect your sales?
-Eduardo: Affection a lot, before people came more often. In addition, he had to lower the prices of clothing because so many people do not buy and more if they see the high price.
Do you think the government is taking the necessary measures?
-Eduardo: Yes and no. I still see people on the street who are going for a walk, or people who do not use a chinstrap, etc.
Very well Eduardo, to end the interview, would you like to give us an opinion of what is happening, and what would you recommend to people who are not taking the necessary measures against covid-19?
I would say that this is not a game, it is a very serious matter. That they have empathy for the people and that if they leave that it is only for the basic needs. Please if we all comply, we can get out of this pandemic and take care of each other. Take care and take care of o
Thank you very much Eduarnos for telling us about your current situation and for allowing more people to listen to you.
-Eduardo: You're welcome, thank you for letting me share my story.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the end of the interview with Eduardo, a traveling salesman, risking his life to cover his basic needs
Me costo mucho e, espero que te guste.
un diálogo es una conversación de personas ablan y los niños no puede escuchar por qué es algo importante y les mandan a jugar con sus amigos pero un diálogo es una caso de conversación entre adultos