Inglés, pregunta formulada por ritamedina4755, hace 10 meses

covid-19 is part of the coronavirus family. the name of the virus is similar to cronw. crown in spanish is corona. coronavirus only affected animals in the past, but it mutated. the new mutation affects humans. the new virus is covid-19.covid-19 incubates in the human body for 14 to 15 days. usually no symptoms appear. our immune system fights covid-19 to protect pur bodies. during this fight, you can have fever, feel tired, cough and have difficulty breathig. if you have the symptoms, call covid-19 emergency. in peru, the number is 113.covid-19 affects especially vulnerable people like our grandparents. let's protect them and stay home find two similar sentences on the text What's covid-19?. loot at the examples. -present with "is". example: covid-19 is part of the coronavirus family. -present with "actions" example: covid-19 incubates in the human.

( encuentra dos oraciones similares en el texto ¿Qué es covid-19 ?. botín en los ejemplos. -presenta con "es". ejemp

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por misaelflores1988


el SARS-coV-2 es un virus que se transmite de persona a persona ¿Como se transmite? se transmite atraves del estornudo o al toser los síntomas aparecen cuando el covid-19 se enfrenta al sistema inmunológico si logra vencer al sistema inmunológico tus síntomas son graves pero si el sistema inmunológico es fuerte logras vencer al covid ¿Como conbatirlo?con recetas caseras te doy una receta poner un plato con media cebolla y dormir toda la noche o sino agua de quion.

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