Historia, pregunta formulada por kevjim583, hace 7 meses

Costumbres y tradiciones de la región costa grande

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Contestado por naouwu123


las festividades de Padre Jesús de Petatlán, tienen lugar en los días previos al día 6 de agosto: en la solemnidad litúrgica de la Transfiguración del Señor.

Se presenta un grupo de danza que reproduce la conquista de México, bailando toda la noche del 5 de agosto para amanecer 6 de agosto.

Muy temprano el pueblo llevo las mañanitas a padre Jesús y también en ocasiones se presente un grupo mas que baila danzas prehispánicas.

Desde el 1 al 6 de agosto, por las tardes, se efectúan las tradicionales peregrinaciones de los diversos gremios de la población (taxistas, barrios, caillas, etc.), culminando todas con una misa a las 7 de la noche.

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Contestado por FusionboysYT


On the great coast of guerrero there are customs; use the palm for their homes; They like to make suitable palm hats with their region. There are places that harvest their food. They usually eat tlatacole, which is a well-known dish in the region. It is also a custom to eat a lot of fish and the queer through his fishing, they use the leaves of the coconut palms to make the roof of their homes, it is considered one of the regions with the most imagined places in Guerrero ..!

1- Gastronomy

The gastronomy of Guerrero is very varied. This is largely due to the presence of various indigenous groups (Mixtecos, Tlapanecos, Nahuas, Amuzgos) and of Hispanic and Afro-descendant mestizo groups.

In the same way, the fact that the state has coastal areas and mountainous areas makes the gastronomy vary from one city to another.

In the coastal area of ​​Guerrero, many of the dishes include marine products: fish, shellfish, seaweed, among others. On the other hand, in the high areas of the state, products such as pork and goat meat are used.

Some of the typical dishes of the region are:

Fish head broth (coastal area). It is a soup prepared only with the heads of some fish. It is seasoned with coriander and onions.

Morisqueta (coastal area). It is a dish based on rice and black beans.

Plum chili (highlands). This dish is prepared with pork, which is stuffed with fresh plums and green chilies.

Fill (highlands). It is a small pig, which is stuffed with pineapple slices, olives, potatoes, carrots and bananas. The stuffed pork is baked for about 12 hours and then served with tortillas and rice.

Chapulines. Dish that is prepared with seasoned grasshoppers.

Clubbed. Fried pork in coriander, cumin and garlic broth.

Some of the most recognized sweets in this state are:

Alegría, which is prepared with toasted amaranth seeds and sugar.

Peanut crowbar, which is made with peanuts, roasted corn, and brown sugar.

Gollería, prepared with milk, vanilla, beaten egg whites, cinnamon and sugar.

The most representative drink of the state is the tuba. This is prepared with fermented juice of palm, pineapple, lemon and chili.

2- Easter

Because Mexico is a Catholic nation, in many areas of the country celebrations for Holy Week are held. The celebration of Holy Week in the city of Taxco in the state of Guerrero is outstanding.

In Taxco, the Holy Week processions include dramatizations that revive the passion of Christ. In addition to this, brotherhoods made up of people who flagellate themselves are organized to commemorate the suffering of Jesus before his death.

3- The burning of the bad guy

On September 29, the bad guy was burned in Guerrero. The bad guy is a doll made of dried flowers, straw, and other materials.

After the spirit has been burned, the houses are adorned with fresh flower crosses. These crosses are considered to protect homes from evil spirits.

4- Pottery

One of the most outstanding artistic traditions of Guerrero is pottery. Local artisans mix clay with cotton fabrics to produce vases, pots, pots, sculptures, among others. These creations are decorated with paint, stones, among others.

In some areas, aboriginal techniques are preserved in the development of pottery, which gives cultural value to the creations.

5- Music

Due to the different ethnicities and cultures present in the state of Guerrero, music varies from one region to another.

However, there are some rhythms that are typical in many parts of the state, such as the calena and the son.

Guerrero has also been the cradle of great singers and composers. These include Margarito Damián Vargas, who composed more than 200 songs (Ondas del Pacífico, Adiós Acapulco, among others).

Other musicians from Guerrero are Antonio Delgado, Aurelio Galindo, Juan Bartola Tavira, José Agustín Ramírez Altamirano and Joan Sebastian

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