Contexto: esto es un proyecto que tengo y debe ser en pasado continuo y nose si cumple eso me ayudarían mucho si me corrigieran ejemplo:en vez de esto pon esto. si no es mucha molestia
At a garage sale a woman with her baby was interested in a doll.
The seller tells her that this was the doll of her daughter who unfortunately died.
With the doll in her hands and she wants to get rid of those bad memories.
The woman did not pay attention to it and decided to buy it, but something strange happened and when she went to take the doll, the baby had it in her hands, but it seemed normal to her.
Days passed and in the house there were scratches on the walls sounds of falling furniture and strange drawings but she thought they were her nephews who were visiting, the woman weeks later wanted to travel with her baby left several things and one of them was the doll as they would only go 2 weeks once at the airport she noticed that the baby was pale and asked for help, everything was tried but unfortunately the baby had died, the causes of the great surprise that the doll was inside the baby was investigated.
Respuestas a la pregunta
At a garage sale a woman with her baby was interested in a doll.
The seller tells her that this was the doll of her daughter who unfortunately died.
With the doll in her hands and she wants to get rid of those bad memories.
The woman did not pay attention to it and decided to buy it, but something strange happened and when she went to take the doll, the baby had it in her hands, but it seemed normal to her.
Days passed and in the house there were scratches on the walls sounds of falling furniture and strange drawings but she thought they were her nephews who were visiting, the woman weeks later wanted to travel with her baby,left several things and one of them was the doll, as they would only go 2 weeks once at the airport she noticed that the baby was pale and asked for help, everything was tried but unfortunately the baby had died, the causes of the (great surprise that the doll was inside the baby was investigated.)
*puedes sustituir la última parte entre paréntesis ( ) por este segmento:_unexpected tragedy were investigated, and the result was that the doll was inside the baby._
*puedes deshacerte del “and”, se ve innecesario.
*en el primer párrafo te refieres a “ella”, pero se vería mejor si sustituyes el her por his ,y si colocas en vez de she el he, así te refieres a el vendedor.
*intercambia de lugar las palabras falling furniture,o sea,pon a una en el lugar de la otra.
Espero te haya ayudado,muy buena historia. :-)