Inglés, pregunta formulada por sofiasanchez050906, hace 4 meses

Consulta un listado de al menos 15 verbos regulares y 15 irregulares de los más usados. Haz 5
oraciones en pasado usando verbos regulares y 5 con verbos irregulares. Oraciones con sentido

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por marrivalebug13



You worked very hard last week.  

She lived in Japan last year.

They learned how to swim two years ago.

She liked to sit in the sun.

He always walked to school.

I painted my house last weekend


Did you see his face?

2.We went by bus in that occasion.

She finally sold her car.

Paul didn't study for the exam.

They made good time on their trip to California.

I spoke several foreign languages.

I bought an apple.

Contestado por camilabelenserranoch


Verbo Pasado / Participio Significado

Act Acted Actuar

Add Added Añadir

Arrest Arrested Arrestar

Assist Assisted Asistir

Address Addressed Dirigirse

Advertise Advertised Anunciar

Amuse Amused Entretener  

Beg Begged Rogar

Believe Believed Creer

Blame Blamed Culpar

Belong Belonged Pertenecer

Balance Balanced Equilibrar

Charge Charged Cargar

Clean Cleaned Limpiar

Climb Climbed Escalar

Cover Covered Cubrir


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