Castellano, pregunta formulada por yarlequeadrian58, hace 3 meses

Construir un cuento policial corto de una carilla como mínimo a letra de tamaño normal totalmente a mano en en cuaderno que contenga las siguientes características:

1. Detective mujer con ayudante hombre.
2. Personaje principal una mujer vieja que comete el delito.
3. Delito: robo de una carta donde se da a conocer los verdaderos herederos de una herencia.
4. Tiempo presente.
5. Lugar Quito.
6. Narrador debe ser la misma detective que cuente la historia.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por dawa08681


what is this pls can u say me than I can help u

dawa08681: oky
dawa08681: I will try oky
dawa08681: just one minute
yarlequeadrian58: yes
dawa08681: oky
yarlequeadrian58: And how long does it take you
dawa08681: one day there is a detective police female she is very nice detective and she have one male assistant he is very honest man who work for his detective female women . one day the old women complain to the female police detective for to catch the crime and the female police was finding the crime
dawa08681: one day there is a detective police female she is very nice detective and she have one male assistant he is very honest man who work for his detective female women . one day the old women complain to the female police detective for to catch the crime and the female police was finding the crime
dawa08681: and the crime is a letter revealing the true heirs of an inheritance and just now the female detective catch the theft this was Quito place where she catch the theft and the thieft got danger punishment in jeil
dawa08681: Hope u will help my answer
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