Historia, pregunta formulada por madelinequintanilla, hace 1 mes

Consecuencias economicas,politicas y sociales
para honduras de la guerra de las 100 horas

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por geocondavelezsalazar


nose quisiera ayudarte:(

Contestado por isaiascuchillo



En este trabajo se reseña el desarrollo de la economía argentina desde 1948 hasta 1963. Lo que desde el punto de vista ortodoxo parecen ser paradojas de la historia económica argentina, como ser la inflación de precios al mismo tiempo que se reduce la demanda global, el aumento del déficit de presupuesto al mismo tiempo que se reduce el gasto público y la iliquidez simultánea con un continuado crecimiento de la oferta de dinero, se logra explicar fácilmente mediante la teoría keynesiana del equilibrio general. /// This is a brief description of the development of the Argentine economy since 1948. What appears so paradoxical from an orthodox point of view as price inflation accompanied by a fall in aggregate demand, a rise in the size of the budget deficit accompanied by a fall in the volume of government expenditure, and a steady growth in the supply of money accompanied by a shortage of money and tight credit conditions is, however, easily explained in terms of the Keynesian approach to general equilibrium utilised in this study.

Journal Information

The Journal was formally created at the end of 1960, together with the foundation of the Institute for Economic and Social Development (Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, IDES). IDES is a nonprofit civil association founded by a group of researchers and scholars. With time, the journal had gradually taken a multidisciplinary character, and besides being at the service of university chairs it became a qualified means of communication among the most prominent scholars of Argentina, Latin America and the rest of the world -mainly the Spanish-speaking world.

Publisher Information

Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, IDES, is a nonprofit civil association founded by a group of researchers and scholars from the schools of philosophy and literature (facultades de Filosofía y Letras) and the schools of Economics (facultades de Economía) belonging to several institutions, such as the Buenos Aires University (Universidad de Buenos Aires), the Argentine Catholic University (Universidad Católica Argentina), the National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), the Torcuato Di Tella Institute (Instituto Torcuato Di Tella), and the Federal Council for Investments (Consejo Federal de Inversiones).


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