Inglés, pregunta formulada por MagicWitch, hace 1 año

Consecuencias de tirar basura en las calles y qué podemos hacer para evitarlo (En Inglés)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Lovecraft09

As consequences when one litters the streets I can mention a pair of things: 1.- When one litters the streets, one makes the city to look detestable, ugly and dirty; and this leaves a bad impression on people, especially foreign ones. 2.- When you litters the streets you are causing that a great amount of taxes has to be spent on collecting garbage, resources that could be invested on building more hospitals and schools.

I think that this situation can be shunned by creating consciousness among younger ones, devising educational programs at schools in order to teach both children and youth to be conscious of the importance and necessity to keep the streets both, clean and non littered.

Contestado por aracelymeneses530

consequences of throwing garbage in the streets and what can we do to avoid it

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