Conjugar los verbos dados en el tiempo verbal que corresponda (presente simple o presente continuo)
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. I'm doing my homework at the moment.
2. Every summer we visit our family.
3. He gets up early everyday.
4. Ana can't go out now, she's talking on the phone.
5. My cousin always wants to play with me.
6. I'm helping my mother to clean the house only this week.
7. I'm very tired and I'm drinking coffee now.
8. She always has lunch at home.
9. Now I'm knowing what you mean.
10. My sister is a secretary.
Presente Simple Nos indica hechos u acciones habituales.
Usamos los Adverbios Always- everyday - every summer para el presente simple.
Presente Continuo. Nos indica acciones que están pasando al momento que suceden.
Usamos expresiones como Now - at the moment - this week para el presente continuo.
es es la respuesta correcta