Inglés, pregunta formulada por yoranis9, hace 7 meses

Completo las oraciones en Presente perfecto continuo con las palabras dadas
en paréntesis. El primero se da como ejemplo.

1.astrid:I heve been using (have/be/use) cool hair shampoo for three weeks now, but I haven't seen improvement like the box says.

2.Gloria: My son
(have/be/follow) the sugar free diet for two months and we haven't lost any weight

3.Rick: My wife and
(have/be/apply) Cleansy
Acne Cream to his face for
almost three months, but
he still has a lot of acne.
(have/be/follow) the
Sugar Free Diet for two
months and we haven't
lost any weight​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jesseniateodoraipana



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