Inglés, pregunta formulada por ra6827539, hace 24 días

Complete the text with the words. Put the verbs into the present perfect.

already / feed already / have forget make not clean not yet / get dressed prepare wake

My brother Kyle and I are twins. We go to the same school and we're in the same class.

It's ten past eight on a Monday moming. I (1)_______ a shower and my breakfast and I (2)________ my school bag with all my books. I (3)_______ the cat and I'm ready for school.

Kyle isn't ready. He (4)_______ up, but he (5)_________ - he's still in his pyjamas! And (6)________ his teeth.

But then we realize something. Mum and Dad aren't getting ready for work. We (7)_________ a mistake.

We didn't have to get up today because it's the first Monday in May. We (8)______ that it's a holiday!​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por InvisibleVioleta

Hola, Ra6827539:


Complete the text with the following words. Put the verbs into the present perfect.

already / feed already / have forget make not cleannot yet / get dressed prepare wake  

My brother Kyle and I are twins. We go to the same school and we're in the same class. It's ten past eight on a Monday morning. I (1) ______ a shower and my breakfast and I (2) ______ my school bag with all my books. I (3) ______ the cat and I'm ready for school. Kyle isn't ready. He (4) ______ up, but he (5) ______ – he's still in his pyjamas! And (6) ______ his teeth. But then we realize something. Mum and Dad aren't getting ready for work. We (7) ______ a mistake. We didn't have to get up today because it's the first Monday in May. We (8) ______ that it's a holiday!​




My brother Kyle and I are twins. We go to the same school and we're in the same class. It's ten past eight on a Monday morning. I (1) have already had a shower and my breakfast and I (2) have prepared my school bag with all my books. I (3) have already fed the cat and I'm ready for school. Kyle isn't ready. He (4) has waken up, but he (5) has not got/gotten dressed yet – he's still in his pyjamas! And (6) he has not cleaned his teeth. But then we realize something. Mum and Dad aren't getting ready for work. We (7) have made a mistake. We didn't have to get up today because it's the first Monday in May. We (8) have already forgotten that it's a holiday!​


1) 've already had

2) 've prepared

3) 've already

4) 's waken

5. hasn't got/gotten dressed

6) he hasn't cleaned

7) 've made

8) 've already forgotten


Mi hermano Kyle y yo somos gemelos. Vamos al mismo colegio y estamos en la misma clase. Son las ocho y diez de la mañana de un lunes. Yo ya me he duchado y desayunado y he preparado mi mochila con todos mis libros. Ya he dado de comer al gato y estoy listo para ir al colegio. Kyle no está listo. Se ha despertado, pero aún no se ha vestido, ¡todavía está en pijama! Y no se ha limpiado los dientes. Pero entonces nos damos cuenta de algo. Mamá y papá no se están preparando para ir a trabajar. Nos hemos equivocado. No teníamos que levantarnos hoy porque es el primer lunes de mayo. ¡Ya nos hemos olvidado de que es un día festivo!


1. Este texto es informal, por lo que está lleno de contracciones. Los verbos que faltan pueden escribirse con o sin contracciones. He escrito las dos versiones. El significado y la traducción son iguales en ambos casos. Recuerda que las contracciones van unidas a los pronombres sujeto (sin espacio intermedio).

2. El verbo 'get' tiene dos participios pasados: 'got' (que se usa en inglés británico y americano) y 'gotten' (que se usa en inglés americano). Este texto está escrito en una mezcla de inglés británico (dice 'Mum' en vez de 'Mom') y americano (dice 'realize' en vez de 'realise', y 'pyjamas' en vez de 'pajamas'), por lo que las dos variantes son posibles. Escoge la forma que se use en tu curso.



Para escribir un verbo en 'present perfect' se usan los auxiliares 'have' o 'has' y el participio pasado del verbo principal.  

El auxiliar 'have'/'has' se escoge según el sujeto de la oración:  

• Sujeto:                      Auxiliar:

I, we, you, they -------- have

he, she, it ---------------- has

También se pueden usar contracciones afirmativas:  

• Sujeto:     Contracción:

I -------------- I've

he ----------- he's

she ---------- she's

it -------------- it's

we ----------- we've

you ---------- you've

they --------- they've

Y contracciones negativas:

• Sujeto:                   Contracción:

I, we, you, they ------ haven't

he, she, it -------------- hasn't

Estas son todas las estructuras:

Present perfect – Affirmative:

• Sujeto + auxiliar HAVE/HAS + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos

Present perfect – Negative:

• Sujeto + auxiliar HAVE/HAS + NOT + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos

• Sujeto + contracción HAVEN'T/HASN'T + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos

Present perfect – Interrogative:

Yes/No questions:

• Auxiliar HAVE/HAS + sujeto + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos + ?


Wh-word + auxiliar HAVE/HAS + sujeto + participio pasado del verbo principal + complementos + ?

Saludos. ✨


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