Inglés, pregunta formulada por yuleidyortiz13, hace 6 meses

. Complete the sentences with verbs in the present simple or the future simple forms.  If you …...................... (not come) to my party, I ….......................... (not speak) to you again.  If I …................................. (see) him, I ........................…. (tell) him about it.  If you …................................ (try) harder, you …..............................................(do) it.  If he ….....................… (pass) the exam, his father …..........….......... (buy) him a new computer.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por moetcl85


Hola! No se si esta bien pero fue mi mejor intento!


If you don't come to my party, I will not speak to you again. If I see him, I will tell him about it. If you try harder, you will do it. If he passes the exam, his father will buy him a new computer.

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