Inglés, pregunta formulada por valentinapaz1002, hace 16 horas

Complete the questions and answers with the correct forms of have to / don't have to.

1. A) ————(you / take) the subway to work?
B) No. I —————

2. A) ————— (she/go) to bed before 10 p.m.?
B) No, she ————

3. A) ————— (we / give) the teacher our homework today?
B) Yes, we ————-

4. A) ————— (a chef/work) long hours?
B) Yes, he/she ————

5. A)————- (they/get up) before 7 a.m.?
B) No, they—————-

6. A) —————— (you /take out) the trash?
B) Yes,——————

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mochilanvl3


la suya por si acaso


Contestado por salmarina


Do you have to take

don't have to

Does she have to go

doesn't have to

Do we have to give

have to

Does a chef have to work

has to

Do they have to get up

don't have to

Do you have to take out

I have to


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