Complete the paraghaphs with the words in the box below.
The Independence of Peru was a long process that began after the successful Conquest of the Spanish, with the uprising of ___________________. It continued later with the uprising of _____________________________, carried out in the Sierra and Central Jungle of Peru; the revolution of ____________________________________ or
Tupac Amaru II, in 1780, and the movement of 1814 led by _______________________________, in Southern Peru.
Parallel to the actions undertaken by Indians and mestizos, colonial society was formed, in which the _________, unlike the ______________ (born in Spanish), felt love for the land in which they were born.
In this way it became evident that a _________________________ was being formed.
Parallel to the revolution of Tupac Amaru II, the Peruvian Creoles consolidated the ___________________. The process of independence culminated with the arrival in Peru of _______________________, from the south, where Chile and Argentina became independent, and the _______________________________, who came from the north.
Our independence was proclaimed on ___________________ and consolidated in the battles of __________________________.
Juan Santos Atahualpa * José Gabriel Condorcanqui *Manco Inca * Pumacahua and the Angulo brothers *Creoles * Sentiment of homeland * National consciousness * Peninsulares * Liberator Simón Bolivar * José de San Matín *Junín and Ayacucho *July 28th, 1821
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doy coronita nwn
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Completa los párrafos con las palabras del recuadro de abajo.
La Independencia del Perú fue un largo proceso que se inició luego de la exitosa Conquista de los españoles, con el levantamiento de ___________________. Continuó luego con el levantamiento de _____________________________, realizado en la Sierra y Selva Central del Perú; la revolución de ____________________________________ o
Túpac Amaru II, en 1780, y el movimiento de 1814 liderado por _______________________________, en el Sur del Perú.
Paralelamente a las acciones emprendidas por indios y mestizos, se formó la sociedad colonial, en la que los _________, a diferencia de los ______________ (nacidos en español), sentían amor por la tierra que los vio nacer.
De esta manera se hizo evidente que se estaba formando un _________________________.