Complete the blog post with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Our new sports centreThere are lots of new sports to try at the sports centre. It 1
________(just / open), so I couldn’t wait to go and find out what’s on offer. In fact, I 2________ (already / sign up) for two new sports! I love swimming, and I’m quite good at it, but I 3(never / be) in a team before – I 4________(always / swim) on my own. Now I 5__________(join) the new water polo team, which is very exciting. I 6___________(not meet) my teammates yet, though, because sessions start next week. I’m also interested to learn about the sprint cycling because I 7_______(never / try) it before. I’m going to do a ‘starter’ ride on Saturday because I 8________(not decide) if I want to join the group yet.
Respuestas a la pregunta
Contestado por
1 has just opened
2 have already signed up
3 have never been
4 have always swum
5 have joined
6 have not met
7 have never tried
8 have not decided
El presente perfecto afirmativo se construye de la siguiente manera:
Sujeto + have o has + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento.
Cuando tenemos adverbios de frecuencia como : Never - Always - estos se colocan después del sujeto. Al igual que las particulas Just and Already.
La forma negativa:
Sujeto + Have o Has + Not + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento.
Otras preguntas
Ciencias Sociales,
hace 3 meses
hace 3 meses
hace 3 meses
hace 7 meses
hace 7 meses
Exámenes Nacionales,
hace 10 meses
hace 10 meses