Inglés, pregunta formulada por sraxxxx, hace 21 días

Completar con el condicional correcto
If the police had more evidence, they ___________________ (arrest) him.
2. I am sorry. If I had known it was your birthday, I _________________ (buy) you
a present.
3. I am not sure what I am doing tonight, but if I go out, I _____________ (phone)
4. I would not have been late for school if the bus ___________________ (be) on
5. He is dangerous. I __________________ (not /speak) to him if I were you.
6. "But I can not afford a holiday". Yes, I know. But where _____________ (you /go)
if you could afford one?
7. I _____________________ (go out) if it had not been raining.
8. I would lend you the money if you really ______________ (need) it. But you have
got lots.
9. If I had know the film was on TV, I _________________ (no/go) to bed so early.
10. If you _____________ (use) this dictionary I will borrow someone else's.
11. I _________________ (can/ come back) later if you are busy.
12. I'd come out, if I ____________(not/ feel) so tired.
13. I would have worked much harder if ____________________ (want)
14. If you could live anywhere in the world, I ________________ (choose) Paris.
15. If I _____________________ (work) harder, I would have passed the exam.
16. If the police question you, _____________________ (tell) them the truth.
17. Unless we _______________ (leave) now, we will miss the start of the film.
18. She would not have stolen the money if her children ______________ (not/be)
19. I ___________ (not/go) to the party unless you go too.
20. If people did not use their cars so much, it __________________ (be) traffic
21. If you had a lot of money, you _____________________ (buy) a big house.
22.I _________________ (not/have) the accident if I had driven more carefully.
23.If I had had enough money, I ___________________ (buy) some new jeans.
24.If I had known it was going to be such a boring party, I ___________________
25. You will never learn English, unless you ____________________ (study)
26.If you do not study you ____________________________ (not /pass)
27. If you are feeling ill, __________________________ (not/ do) homework.
28. If I drink too much coffee I ____________________ (not/can/sleep).
29. Milk keeps longer if you _______________________ (put) it in the fridge.
30.If I ___________________ you , I would not go

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por areyesnov25


could have arrested

would have bought

will phone

would have been

wouldn´t speak

would you go

would have gone out


wouldn´t have gone


can come back

wasn´t feeling

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