Inglés, pregunta formulada por adriana2006gomez17, hace 10 meses

completa los espacios en blanco usando los verbos entre paréntesis. Debes completar los espacios teniendo en cuenta el tiempo PRESENTE SIMPLE
Ayudaaaaa xfa es para mañana


Every morning Bruna_____________(wake up) and _____________(get up). She

__________(wash) her face and __________(brush) her teeth. Then she

___________(have) a quick shower and ______________(get) dressed.

At 7:30, Bruna____________(have) breakfast and after about half an hour,

she____________(set) off to go to work. Bruna___________(drive to town and

she usually_________(Not / arrive) at work at 9 o’clock.

At 1 o’clock Bruna _____________(have) lunch at a local cafeteria with her

Friends , she___________(finish) to work at around 6 o’clock and she

_________(go) home.

After she _________(get) home, Bruna __________(walk) her dog and

__________(have) a light dinner. Then, she_____________(get undressed and

she ________(have) a bath.

In the evening, Bruna usually _____________(relax) watching T.V. or Reading a

book. She sometimes __________(go) out with her girfriends. On weekends,

Bruna ___________(not /visit) her parents at their farm in the mountains.

Bruna’s days_____(be) really busy, for that reason, she

__________(not/ have) so much fun. Bruna ___________(love) her

Friends, family and work! She _____________(be) a very happy girl.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por dechocolatepepitas


wakes up/gets up/washes/brushes/has/gets/has/sets/drives to town/does not arrive/has/finishes/goes/gets/walks/has/gets undressed/has/relaxes/goes/does not visit/are/does not have/ loves/is

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