Inglés, pregunta formulada por maxito1010, hace 2 meses

Completa los adjetivos usando la "forma comparativa."
1. It's too noisy here. Can we go to a
[more quiet/quieter/] (quiet) place?
2. The hotel was
[more big/biger/bigger/] (big) than that in which we stayed last
3. Your work is
[better/gooder/beter] (good) than mine.
4. The accident could have been
(more bad/badder/bader/worse) (bad) than it was.
5. I was
(more nervous/nervouser] (nervous) in my exam yesterday than
6. I'd like to have a
(more fast/faster/] (fast) car. The one I have now is really old.
[more cold/colder/] (cold) than then.
7. Last week it was really hot. Today is​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por alphasophiaowo


1. Quieter

2. Bigger

3. Better

4. Worse

4.  More nervous


Cuando tienen mas de una silaba se le agrega el "more" que es para comparativo, pero si tienen entre 2 o 1 silaba se le agrega "er", y cuando es silaba, vocal, silaba, se dobla la ultima silaba, como en "Big" "Bigger"

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