Inglés, pregunta formulada por glorivalencia487, hace 10 meses

Completa las frases con la forma correcta del verbo que se encuentra entre paréntesis dependiendo del tipo de condicional que sea (tipo I, II o III).
1. If he____________(not come) early today, I won´t wait for him.
2. I __________(go) to Bahamas if I get much money.
3. If you see her___________, (tell) her to come.
4. What will you do if you ____________ (lose) your passport?
5. Stay at home if you ___________ (not want) to come.
6. If you __________-(pass) you’re driving exam, you (drive) to Wales last summer.
7. If you __________(not water) the flowers, they (die).
8. Peter ____________ (earn) money if he (have) a job.
9. If I __________(remember), I (telephone) you, but I forgot.
10. I _________(call) an ambulance if I (see) an accident.
11. If you __________(sit) down, I (tell) the teacher that you are here.
12. If I _______(be) you, I (study) harder.
13. He __________ (come) if he (have) time, but he didn´t.
14. He __________(kill) a man if he (know) the truth.
15. If she __________(come), (tell) her that I want to see her.
16.They might be angry if we_________ (not go) to their party next week.
17.If the examiner had read the passage more slowly, the candidates ___________(understand) it.
18. They could get lost if they ___________(not have) a road map.
19. He would have won the prize if he ____________(try) harder, but he didn´t.
20. If she had told me the truth, I __________(forgive) her.
21. I´ll collect the papers if you _________(finish).
22.The man said he __________(hit) me unless I told him where the money was.
23. I ________(draw) a map for her in case she couldn´t find our house.
24. I can´t understand why he´s late unless he ________ (not get) our message.
25. In case they ___________ (not receive) my first letter I wrote them a second one.
26. If I found 100 pounds in the street, I __________(keep) it.
27. They´d be rather angry if you _________(not visit) them.
28. If I had been offered the job, I think I __________(take) it.
29. I´m sure Tom will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if he . __________(refuse).
30. Many people would be out of work if that factory _______(close) down.
31. If she sold her car, She ________(get)much money for it.
32. They´re expecting us. They would be disappointed if we ________(not come).
33. Would George be angry if I _____________ (take) his bike without asking?
34. Ann gave me this ring. She ________ (be) terribly sorry if I lost it.
35. If someone ________(walk) in here with a gun, I´d be frightened.
36. What would have happened if you _______ (not go) to work yesterday?
37. I´m sure she _______(understand) if you had explained the situation to her.
38. What would you do if a millionaire __________ you to marry him/her?
39. What would you do if you ___________ (lose) your passport in a foreign country?
40. What would you do if someone _________(throw) an egg at you?
41. If I went to bed now, I _________(sleep).
42. If she ________ (apply) for the job, she would have got it.
43. If I ______ (know) her number, I would telephone her.
44. I _________ (not buy) that coat if I were you.
45. I _________ (give) you a cigarette if I had one but I haven´t.
46. This soup would taste better if it _________(have) more salt in it.
47. If you __________(not go) to bed so late every night, you wouldn´t be so tired all the time.
48. I wouldn ´t mind living in England if the weather ____________(be) better.
49. I´d help you if I _______(can) but I´m afraid I can´t.
50. If I were you, I _________ (not marry) him.

Respuestas a la pregunta



1. If I didn't come early today, I won't wait for you.

2. I will go to the Bahamas if I get a lot of money.

3. If you see her, ask her to come.

4. What will you do if you don't have your passport?

5. Stay home if you are not going out come.

6. If you win your driving test, you go to Wales last summer.

7. If the flowers give them water, they die.



glorivalencia487: a lmenos ayudame con 20 o 15
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