Inglés, pregunta formulada por dymz67378, hace 10 meses


1. Dad's car is much ______________ than mine. (fast)

2. I think scuba diving is ______________ than climbing. (fascinating)

3. His thirst grew ________________ and _______________. (big / big)

4. He thinks this test was __________________ than the last one. (difficult)

5. They live in a really ___________________ house. (beautiful)

6. She is the ________________ tennis player of the world. (good)

7. Susan is a ___________________girl. She's much _____________than her sister. (nice / nice)

8. This suitcase is ____________________than the others. (heavy)

9. Hotels in London are ________________than in Vienna. (expensive)

10. Bob is _________________than Keith. (tall)

11. Doris reads ____________________books than Peter. (good)

12. France is as _________________as Spain. (beautiful)

13. They live in a_____ house, but Fred lives in a ______________one. (big / big)

14. My sister is three years _________________than me. (young)
15. This was the ___________________film I have ever seen. (bad)

16. I think tennis is _____________________than cycling. (interesting)

17. I talked to Claire and she is a very ___________________girl. (smart)

18. His company earned __________________money than the years before. (little)

19. She was the ______________________girl at college. (popular)

20. They didn't stay out as _____________________as last Saturday. (late)

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por yadielo1102


1. faster

2. more fascinating

3. bigger , bigger

4. more difficult

5. beautiful

6. best

7. nice , nicer


9. more expensive

10. taller

11. better

12. pretty

13. big , bigger

14. younger

15. worst

16. more interesting

17. smart

18. less

19. popular

20. late


Contestado por gabserlab

Se completan las oraciones con los comparative y superlative adjectives correctos:

  1. Dad's car is much faster than mine. (fast)
  2. I think scuba diving is more fascinating than climbing. (fascinating)
  3. His thirst grew big and bigger. (big / big)
  4. He thinks this test was more difficult than the last one. (difficult)
  5. They live in a really more beautiful house. (beautiful)
  6. She is the best tennis player of the world. (good)
  7. Susan is a nice girl. She's much nicer than her sister. (nice / nice)
  8. This suitcase is heavier than the others. (heavy)
  9. Hotels in London are more expensive than in Vienna. (expensive)
  10. Bob is taller than Keith. (tall)
  11. Doris reads better books than Peter. (good)
  12. France is as beautiful as Spain. (beautiful)
  13. They live in a big house, but Fred lives in a bigger one. (big / big)
  14. My sister is three years younger than me. (young)
  15. This was the worst film I have ever seen. (bad)
  16. I think tennis is more interesting than cycling. (interesting)
  17. I talked to Claire, and she is a very smart girl. (smart)
  18. His company earned littler money than the years before. (little)
  19. She was the most popular girl at college. (popular)
  20. They didn't stay out as late as last Saturday. (late)

¿Cuándo se usa el comparativo?

Para comparar dos objetos o personas. Su estructura es:

Sujeto + verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than + otro objeto o persona.

¿Cuándo se usa el superlativo?

Para resaltar características y atributos de un objeto o persona. Su estructura es:

Sujeto + verbo + the + adjetivo superlativo + objeto.

Puedes aprender más sobre los adjetivos comparativos y superlativos en inglés en:


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