Inglés, pregunta formulada por buye, hace 10 meses

como se hacen interrogativas con condicional 2 explíquenme por fa

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por luisamafe0330


El Segundo condicional en ingles, se usa para hablar de situaciones imposibles en el futuro, se habla de una condición en particular en el futuro y el resultado de la misma, sin embargo, no existe una posibilidad real de que la condición ocurra. Por ejemplo, no tienes un billete de lotería así que no es posible ganar la lotería, quizás compres un billete en el futuro, es un sueño. No es real pero posible.

El segundo condicional se forma de la siguiente manera:

If + condición (pasado simple), resultado (would + verbo base).


Se usa el pasado simple para hablar de la condición futura y would + el verbo base para hablar del resultado.


Ejemplos Afirmativo del segundo condicional:

1.    If I won the lottery, I would travel to Europe.

2.    If I married her, I would be happy.

3.    If I had the chance to do it again, I would do it differently.

4.    If I was still working with you, I would make your company better.

5.    If you took a vacation, you would be relaxed.

6.    If I had more friends, I would make a huge party.

7.    If she were alive, she would be 100 years old.

8.    She would have excellent grades, if she studied more.

9.    He would buy a new house, If he ever found a job.

10.  We would live in France, If we were still married.


Ejemplos Negativo del segundo condicional:

1.    If I were you, I wouldn’t go out with him.

2.    We wouldn’t be doing this if we didn’t care about you.

3.    If you didn’t have so much work, you wouldn’t be so stressed.

4.    If they were more civilized, I wouldn’t hate them so much.

5.    If she loved me more, she wouldn’t have left me.

6.    I wouldn’t be doing this if you had listened to me.

7.    You wouldn’t believe it if you saw it.

8.    The company wouldn’t grow if it didn’t have you.

9.    She wouldn’t be fat if she ate healthier.

10.  If I had a better job, I wouldn’t live in this apartment.


Ejemplos interrogativos del segundo condicional:

1.    What would you do if you were me?

2.    If you could have a super power, what would it be?

3.    If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?

4.    If you could travel through time, what year would you visit?

5.    If I hadn’t told you the truth, would you still be with her?

6.    If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

7.    If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

8.    Would you still love me if you knew?

9.    If you had all the money in the world, what would you buy?

10.  If you could fix one of the world’s problems, what would it be?

espero que te sirva

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