Química, pregunta formulada por ramirez12juanesteban, hace 1 año

Cómo logro que una sustancia c (ácido sulfúrico) sea pasable a líquido no inflamable

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por FRESARINA14

Enfermedad acido-peptica

Echavarría, Hector Raúl; Fundación Valle de Lili; Mendoza, Alfredo


¿En qué consisten las enfermedades que se denominan con el término genérico de enfermedad acido-péptica?/ ¿Cuáles son sus síntomas?/ ¿Cómo se comporta la enfermedad acido-péptica y cuáles son sus causas?/ ¿Cómo se evitan estas enfermedades y como se tratan?

Influence of zeolite treated with sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide on the coagulation-flocculation process of drainage. Influencia de la zeolita tratada con acido sulfurico y con hidroxido de sodio en el proceso de coagulacion floculacion en aguas superficiales

Gutierrez Duque, M.; Herrera Vasconcelos, T.; Laria Piedra, N.


The present paper has had as objective the treatment of natural zeolite from Tasajera with sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide (residuals acid and basic from the regeneration of cationic and anionic resins of the ''Otto Parallada'' thermoelectric plant) at different times and concentrations, with a further comparison and testing of the effectiveness of the obtained zeolite in respect to the natural one as a coadyuvant of the coagulation-flocculation process in the treatment of superficial water. (Author)

Influence of zeolite treated with sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide on the coagulation-flocculation process of drainage. Influencia de la zeolita tratada con acido sulfurico y con hidroxido de sodio en el proceso de coagulacion floculacion en aguas superficiales

Gutierrez Duque, M; Herrera Vasconcelos, T; Laria Piedra, N


The present paper has had as objective the treatment of natural zeolite from Tasajera with sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide (residuals acid and basic from the regeneration of cationic and anionic resins of the ''Otto Parallada'' thermoelectric plant) at different times and concentrations, with a further comparison and testing of the effectiveness of the obtained zeolite in respect to the natural one as a coadyuvant of the coagulation-flocculation process in the treatment of superficial water. (Author)

Wastewater disinfection with peracetic acid and UV; La disinfezione di acque reflue con acido peracetico e raggi ultravioletti

Caretti, C.; Lubello, C. [Florence Univ., Florence (Italy). Dipt. di Ingegneria Civile


Was investigated the synergy between UV and peracetic acid (PAA) through a five months on-site experimental study in a pilot plant fed by the secondary effluent of the central wastewater treatment plant of Pistoia, Italy. This experiment is a part of a larger research project on advanced treatment for municipal wastewater reuse in agriculture. Because of Italy's strict limits on unrestricted wastewater reuse in agriculture (2 CFU total coliform/100 ml), a very high degree of disinfection is necessary. In the investigated experimental conditions, it has been impossible to meet such values through an exclusive use of UV irradiation (the UV unit reaches at most 4 Log inactivation). Low levels of PAA greatly enhance the decline of indicator levels, but higher unsustainable doses are required to hit the Italian limit. Through a poor amount of information on the subject was available in literature, it was tried to find out how the disinfection efficiency could improve by simultaneously using UV and PAA. It was found out that a combined treatment is satisfactory and that it is more advantage of the hydroxyl radicals formation due to the PAA photo lysis. The application of 2 ppm of PAA with an UV dose of 192 mWscm{sup -}2 is enough to meet the Italian limit. [Italian] Nel presente articolo si riportano i risultati di uno studio sulla sinergia tra acido peracetico (PAA) e raggi ultravioletti nella disinfezione delle acque reflue secondarie; le prove sono state effettuate su scala pilota, presso l'impianto centrale di Pistoia. Tale sperimentazione fa parte di un piu' ampio progetto di ricerca sulla possibilita' di riutilizzare le acque reflue a scopo irriguo; per rispettare i limiti estremamente stringenti imposti dalla normativa italiana per l'irrigazione (2 CFU Coliformi totali/100 ml, nel caso di irrigazione illimitata), e' necessario garantire efficienze di disinfezione molto elevate. Nelle condizioni sperimentali considerate, non e

Use of probabilistic safety analysis for design of emergency mitigation systems in hydrogen producer plant with sulfur-iodine technology, Section II: sulfuric acid decomposition; Uso de analisis probabilistico de seguridad para el diseno de sistemas de mitigacion de emergencia en planta productora de hidrogeno con tecnologia azufre-iodo, Seccion II: descomposicion de acido sulfurico


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