como hacer 1 folleto promocionando mi escuela
Respuestas a la pregunta
Muy buen dia y , ¡Bienvenido a Brainly!
Para hacer un folleto promocionando a tu escuela es necesario que sepas los datos principales:
-Su historia (si tiene)
-Si es de paga el precio y si no no pongas nada
-Servicios que ofrece
-Beneficios de estudiar ahì (grandes logros que haya hecho pj. estudiantes
que han salido exitosos
-Debes incluir fotos de la escuela, o en su lugar, de las aulas ,o algo mas
-SI es primaria que ofrecen: Clubes,Talleres....
-Si es secundaria:Clubes, Talleres, Deportes,Tutorìas
-Asì con los demas
NOTA: Si tiene varias secciones de educacion inclùyelas
-Incluye frases llamativas
-Anima a que vayan ahi
y solo si vas a imprimir, no gastes mucha tinta... se lo que te digo
Animo, solo que te va a tomar todo a su tiempo
Very good day and, Welcome to Brainly!
To make a brochure promoting your school it is necessary that you know the main data:
-Your history (if you have)
-If the price is paid and if not put nothing
-Services offered
-Benefits of studying there (great achievements made by students who have succeeded
-You must include photos of the school, or instead of the classrooms, or something else
-IF it is primary they offer : Clubs, Workshops ....
- If it's secondary: Clubs, Workshops, Sports, Tutorials
-So with the others
NOTE: If you have several education sections include them-Include catchy phrases
-Encourage them to go there only if you are going to print, not you spend a lot of ink ... I tell you what you mean, just that you will take everything in your time.