como descriviriais un pais europeo en ingles pls
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Alemania es un país de Europa occidental con un paisaje de bosques, ríos, cadenas montañosas y playas en el mar del Norte. Tiene más de 2 milenios de historia. Berlín, su capital, cuenta con sitios de arte y vida nocturna, la Puerta de Brandeburgo y muchos sitios relacionados con la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Múnich es conocida por el Oktoberfest y los salones de la cerveza, incluido el Hofbräuhaus del siglo XVI. Fráncfort, con sus rascacielos, alberga el Banco Central Europeo.
Capital: Berlín
Germany is a country in Western Europe with a landscape of forests, rivers, mountain ranges and beaches in the North Sea. It has more than 2 millennia of history. Berlin, its capital, has art and nightlife sites, the Brandenburg Gate and many sites related to World War II. Munich is known for Oktoberfest and beer halls, including the 16th-century Hofbräuhaus. Frankfurt, with its skyscrapers, houses the European Central Bank.
Capital berlin
Spain (Spanish: España ), officially the Kingdom of Spain (Spanish: Reino de España), is a European country located in Southwestern Europe with some pockets of Spanish territory across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean. Its continental European territory is situated on the Iberian Peninsula. Its territory also includes two archipelagoes: the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The African enclaves of Ceuta, Melilla, and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera make Spain the only European country to have a physical border with an African country (Morocco). Several small islands in the Alboran Sea are also part of Spanish territory. The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean.