Inglés, pregunta formulada por JuandaMartinez, hace 9 meses

Circle the correct word. Encierra en un circulo la palabra correcta. 1. I read some/any books on my holiday. 2. Jim hasn’t got any money/moneys for the ticket. 3. Lisa wrote some letter/letters to her aunt. 4. Is / Are there any bananas in your bag? 5. Did you eat some / any rice? 6. There isn’t / aren’t any lemonade in the bottle. 7. My father asked some information / informations about the new service. 8. Some cats has / have got big ears. 9. Sam always buys some / any bread. 10. .I didn’t put some / any salt into the soup yesterday. 11. Have your parents got any free time / times? 12. Can you see some / any clouds in the sky? 13. There is / are some cheese in the fridge. 14. Tina has got some box / boxes. 15. Does / Do any students leave their homework at home?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por baekhocontreras


1. I read some books on my holiday. 2. Jim hasn’t got any money for the ticket. 3. Lisa wrote some letters to her aunt. 4. Are there any bananas in your bag? 5. Did you eat some rice? 6. There isn’t  any lemonade in the bottle. 7. My father asked some information  about the new service. 8. Some cats has  got big ears. 9. Sam always buys some  bread. 10. .I didn’t put  any salt into the soup yesterday. 11. Have your parents got any free time? 12. Can you see some clouds in the sky? 13. There is  some cheese in the fridge. 14. Tina has got some  boxes. 15./ Do any students leave their homework at home?


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