chosse three dos and donts you can add your own sentences
Respuestas a la pregunta
Elija tres cosas que debe y no debe hacer, puede agregar sus propias oraciones
no vayas a jugar
corre a jugar
no deves de comer mucho
deves de comer mucho
as eso
no agas eso
sal de ese lugar
no salgas de ese lugar
otra respuesta en inclish xd xd xd:
Choose three dos and don'ts, you can add your own sentences
don't go play
run to play
you shouldn't eat a lot
you must eat a lot
so that
do not do that
get out of that place
don't leave that place
aver aver espero q esa ves este vien
Effective communication and writing
10 recommendations
Effective writing is one that has the qualities indicated in the section A good writing. Therefore, the most recommended style is the one that selects the most understandable option at all times, always keeping in mind the economy of resources and linguistic correctness.
Build clear, concise, simple syntax and well-linked sentences
Order the components of the sentence
Avoid superfluous elements
Choose clear and precise words
Avoid unnecessary technicalities
Moderate the use of impersonal and passive constructions
Use more verbs than nouns
Make sure each sentence has a conjugated main verb
Maintain consistency in enumerations and subsections
Use a non-sexist model of languag