Inglés, pregunta formulada por sahunlearn, hace 18 horas

1. There are…………………..apples
a. Most b. a lot of c. a little d. much

2. The shop has not …………….. washing powder a. A few b. few c. a many d. much

3. saw _____ change on the table a minute ago. A) much B) some C) many D) any

4. can see _____ newspapers.
A) lots of B) most C) a little D) much

5. The shopkeeper has got _____ cheese. A) a lot of B) many C) few D) a few

6. I need _____ help with my homework. Are you free? A) a few B) much C) any D) some

7. I have _____ close fiends. Two or three.
A) a lot of B) a little C) a few D) much

8. I don’t know _____ students in this class. Because I am a newcomer.
A) many B) a few C) some D) much

9. How _____ people live in your house?
A) any B) much C) many D) a lot of

10. A: Do you take sugar in coffee?” B: Just _____. Half a spoonful.”
A) a few B) many C) a little D) a lot of​

sahunlearn: gracias

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MichaelSpymore1


Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:

Answer 1:b) There are a lot of apples.

Translation 1: Hay muchas manzanas.

Answer 2:d) The shop has not much washing powder.

Translation 2: La tienda no tiene mucho detergente en polvo.

Answer 3:B) I saw some change on the table a minute ago.

Translation 3: Vi algunos cambios en la mesa hace un minuto.

Answer 4:A) I can see lots of newspapers.

Translation 4: Puedo ver muchos periódicos.

Answer 5:A) The shopkeeper has got a lot of cheese.

Translation 5: El tendero tiene mucho queso.

Answer 6:D) I need some help with my homework. Are you free?

Translation 6: Necesito algo de ayuda con mi tarea. ¿Estás libre?

Answer 7:C) I have a few close fiends. Two or three.

Translation 7: Yo tengo algunos amigos íntimos. Dos o tres.

Answer 8:A) I don’t know many students in this class. Because I am a newcomer.

Translation 8: No conozco a muchos estudiantes en esta clase. Porque soy un recién llegado.

Answer 9:C) How many people live in your house?

Translation 9: ¿Cuántas personas viven en tu casa?

Answer 10:C) A: Do you take sugar in coffee?

”B: Just a little. Half a spoonful.”

Translation 10: A:¿Tomas azúcar en el café?

B: Solo un poco. Media cucharada.


En inglés hay sustantivos contables que se pueden cuantificar numéricamente y tienen forma plural y sustantivos incontables que no se pueden cuantificar numéricamente y no tienen forma plural.

Hay cuantificadores que se usan exclusivamente con sustantivos contables:

Many , a few , few , several, a couple of, none of.

Hay cuantificadores que se usan exclusivamente con sustantivos incontables:

Much, not much, a little, little, a bit of, a good deal of, a great deal of.

Hay cuantificadores que se pueden usar con sustantivos contables e incontables:

All of, some, most, most of, enough, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a lack of.

Michael Spymore

sahunlearn: muchas gracias
MichaelSpymore1: You're welcome
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