Inglés, pregunta formulada por anabelarondal, hace 16 horas

charles darwin was born on february 12,1809 he was a britsh naturalist who became famoues for his theories of evolutio and neutral selection,In south america,darwin found that fossils of extinct that fosil of extinct animals were similar to modern species.Many people was strongle opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religiouss beliefs.Throughout his life,Darwin was a reserved,thorough,hardworking scholar

when albert einstein his young,his parents worried about him.Einstein's parents were concerned that albert was ''slow''.Alvert wos a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams,Einstein's bestknowm work,the teory of relativity, were published in 1905.Unfortunately the theory of relativity was used to create the atomic bomb.

anabelarondal: un analisis sobre eso debe ser solo 2 lineas

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En la epoca en que Darwin (naturalista britanico) lanza la teoria de que la especies evolucionan con el tiempo, era una epoca, una sociedad victoriana que creian en el fijismo y en el creacionismo, que sostenia que todo habia sido obra de dios. Darwin sostuvo en la teoria de la evolucion que todos los seres vivos provenian de un ancestro comun, de nuestro antepasado. todas las especies tienen un origen en comun

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