Inglés, pregunta formulada por iiCloudyVibes, hace 6 meses

Can somebody help me? I need to complete the sentences.

Wordbox: conceived, freedoms, receive, creed, peacefully, belief, repeat, treatment

1: The First Amnedment of the Constitution guarantees five __________
2: This Admendment allows people to assemble, or gather, _______________
3: The Constitution was founded on the ____________ that people should choose their leaders.
4: The Fourteenth Admendment of the Constitution guarantees equal _______________ regardless of race, color, or ______________
5: The Sixth Admendment states that all citizens may _____________ a jury trial in a criminal case.
6: The idea that the leader for the country is called a president was ___________ in the Second Article of the Constitution.
7: The president must ________________ an oath to be sworn in as a president.

That's all, I give points for those who hepl me

Usuario anónimo: iiCloudyVibes hl
Usuario anónimo: hola

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por mariosamuelpena71


seriously all that ...

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