Inglés, pregunta formulada por osodavid039, hace 10 meses

C) Change the direct questions to indirect questions:
1) Where’s the post office?
Can you tell me______where the post office is____?

2) Which foot ball team do you support?
Could you tell me ___________________________?

3) What type of car do you have?
Could you tell me ___________________________?

4) Is there a bank near here?
Do you know if ____________________________?

5) How often does he arrive late for work?
I wonder __________________________________?

6) When did you move here?
Can you tell _______________________________?

7) When was the building constructed?
I wonder _________________________________?

8) What time is it?
Could you tell me____________________________?

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por evaflores1709


1. can you tell me please, where the post office is located?

2. could you tell me, the football team you support to.

3. could you tell me the type of car you have.

4. do you know if there is a bank near here?

5. I wonder how often he arrives late for work.

6. Can you tell me, when you moved here.

7. I wonder when the building was constructed.

8. Could you tell me, what the time is.


1. podria decirme por favor, donde esta ubicada la oficina de correos ?

2. podria decirme a cual equipo de futball usted apoya ?

3.podria decirme el tipo de carro que usted posee?

4. sabe usted, si hay un banco cerca de aqui?

5. me pregunto cuan seguido el llega tarde al trabajo.

6. podria decirme, cuando se mudo usted aqui?

7. me pregunto cuando fue construido el edificio.

8. podria decirme, que hora es ?

Otras preguntas