Castellano, pregunta formulada por aleproc, hace 8 meses

buying experiences Vs buying things
do you ever think , if i save my money i will be able to buy a new ¡phone', or 'if i buy a new car i will be so happy'? sure, having a new car, fashionable clothes or the latest technology all sounds gread,but can these material items really bring you the happines you deserve?
from a young age we learm to like having a swimming pool in their house, we want a swimming pool too. the idea that buying and consuming makes us happy is an illusion. recent research has shown if people spend their money on experiences , they will be happier and mare satisfied with their lives. experiences might be travelling to new places, eating at a new restaurant, trying a new sport or simply going for a walk in the mountains or alng the beach.
still sceptical?below are 5 reasons why people who spend their money on experiences are happier than those who waste their money on material items.
1.experiences give you unforgettable memories
2. experiences teach you things
3. experinces offter exciting
4. experinces open your mind
5. experiences are great valve for money
so,. isn't it time to shop buying things and star buying experiences?

1. if you buy experiences,
you will have unforgettable memories

2. if you buy experiences,

3.if you buy experiences,

4. if you buy experiences,

5. if you buy experiences,

2. read the sentences about spending and experiences. write if you agree or disagree and explain why.
1. holidays are very expensive. i prefer to buy lots of smaller things for myself

2. why should i spend money on a windsurfing course? i don't live near the sea.

3.i love going to new restaurants. it's exciting to try a new dish for the first time

3. write about the best experience you have han.
one of the best experiences i have han is

i really enjoyed the experience because

isa23948: ...
aleproc: 2. read the sentences about spending and experiences. write if you agree or disagree and explain why.
1. holidays are very expensive. i prefer to buy lots of smaller things for myself

2. why should i spend money on a windsurfing course? i don't live near the sea.

3.i love going to new restaurants. it's exciting to try a new dish for the first time

3. write about the best experience you have han.
one of the best experiences i have han is

i really enjoyed the experience because

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por isa23948


hay que traducirlo o que hay que hacer?

aleproc: hyacerlo :(
isa23948: como haci?
isa23948: explícame te ayudo
aleproc: tengo que resolver las preguntas que hay
isa23948: y cuales son haber dime que traducir y te ayudo
aleproc: 2. leer las frases sobre gastos y experiencias. escriba si está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo y explique por qué.
1. Las vacaciones son muy caras. prefiero comprar muchas cosas más pequeñas para mí

2. ¿Por qué debería gastar dinero en un curso de windsurf? no vivo cerca del mar.
aleproc: 1. if you buy experiences,
you will have unforgettable memories

2. if you buy experiences,

3.if you buy experiences,

4. if you buy experiences,

5. if you buy experiences,

2. read the sentences about spending and experiences. write if you agree or disagree and explain why.
1. holidays are very expensive. i prefer to buy lots of smaller things for myself
aleproc: 2. read the sentences about spending and experiences. write if you agree or disagree and explain why.
1. holidays are very expensive. i prefer to buy lots of smaller things for myself

2. why should i spend money on a windsurfing course? i don't live near the sea.

3.i love going to new restaurants. it's exciting to try a new dish for the first time

3. write about the best experience you have han.
one of the best experiences i have han is

i really enjoyed the experience because
Contestado por lm2137961


el texto dice esto

¿Alguna vez pensaste, si ahorro mi dinero, podré comprar un nuevo teléfono, o 'si compro un auto nuevo, seré tan feliz'? claro, tener un auto nuevo, ropa a la moda o la última tecnología suena genial, pero ¿pueden estos artículo des materiales realmente brindarte la felicidad que mereces? desde pequeños aprendemos a querer tener una piscina en su casa, nosotros también queremos una piscina. la idea de que comprar y consumir nos hace felices es una ilusión. Investigaciones recientes han demostrado que si las personas gastan su dinero en experiencias, serán más felices y estarán más satisfechas con sus vidas. las experiencias pueden ser viajar a nuevos lugares, comer en un nuevo restaurante, probar un nuevo deporte o simplemente dar un paseo por la montaña o por la playa.¿Aún eres escéptico? A continuación se presentan 5 razones por las que las personas que gastan su dinero en experiencias son más felices que aquellas que gastan su dinero en artículos materiales. 1. Las experiencias te dan recuerdos inolvidables. 2. las experiencias te enseñan cosas 3. experiencias más emocionantes 4. las experiencias abren tu mente 5. Las experiencias son una gran válvula para el dinero asi que,. ¿No es hora de ir de compras comprando cosas y protagonizar experiencias de compra?

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