Inglés, pregunta formulada por mauriciomendoza85, hace 10 meses

Busca un texto de un periódico o revista y practica la técnica de ‘scanning’ buscando información específica​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por elisabetnoyolit


lo que sea sombreado es lo que le aplicamos la técnica scanning...


Photography has the ability to express the desires and needs of the dominant social strata and to interpret the events of social life in its own way. Since its inception, photography has been part of everyday life. Its power to accurately reproduce external reality lends it a documentary character.

but why do we take pictures?

To achieve an image that goes beyond just the push of a button, we have to be aware of why we are capturing images.

The monarchy intended to express its wishes as the dominant social layer

The second empire to capture its power and social status

The artists (painters mainly back in 1860) take him up as an auxiliary, but they reject that photography is art ...

Let's think about the photography we commonly use these days; on your Facebook, on your Twitter, wherever on the Internet we put photos for some very simple reasons but also some very crude to see reality.

We take pictures to "demonstrate" our social status

We take pictures to "prove" that we are "fun", "adventurers", "handsome

We take pictures to document an instant

We take pictures to feed the ego

We take pictures to remember moments

We take pictures as melancholic

We take pictures for money

We take pictures to manipulate

We take pictures because the tricky mind believes that the past will always be better than what we can have in the present

Finally, there are many motifs ranging from playful, artistic, commercial, entertainment, documentary, even banal and superfluous. So professional photographer, amateur, hobbyist or yes, there will always be a underlying reason whether conscious or unconscious.

And you, seriously, why do you take pictures?

Contestado por DBAD

The "scanning" is ideal to search for specific data, such as a date.

¿What is the scanning technique?

Scanning is a technique used in reading a text, which consists of taking a quick look at it until finding a specific piece of information, such as a name, date or city.

This technique is effective when the text has already been read beforehand, but it is not as effective for the first time since its reading comprehension is left aside.

In a news item you can apply the scanning technique. For example, in the image at the end you can see the cover of an old newspaper and there you can use scanning to find out who received Mohamed V, which in this case was Franco, the Spanish Government, the Khalifa, the High Commissioner and Al- Lal the Fassi.

En español

El "scanning" es ideal para buscar datos puntuales, cómo por ejemplo una fecha.

¿Qué es la tecnica del scanning?

El scanning es una técnica utilizada en la lectura de un texto, la cual consiste en darle un vistazo rápido al mismo hasta encontrar un dato puntual, como por ejemplo un nombre, fecha o ciudad.

Esta técnica es efectiva cuando ya se ha hecho una lectura con anterioridad del texto, más no es tan efectiva por primera vez ya que se deja bastante de lado la comprensión lectora del mismo.

En una noticia puedes aplicar la técnica del scanning. Por ejemplo, en la imagen al final puedes ver la portada de un periódico antiguo y ahí puedes utilizar el scanning para saber quienes recibieron a Mohamed V, que en este caso fue Franco, el Gobierno Español, el Jalifa, el Alto Comisario y Al-Lal el Fassi.

Otra consulta sobre scanning en

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