¿biografía de alber en ingles ?
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• He was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm (Germany).
• He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton (United States of America).
Albert Einstein is perhaps the world's best known scientist for the development of the Theory of Relativity that revolutionized the science known until the twentieth century.
In 1921 he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his explanations about the photoelectric effect and important was also the discovery of the Brownian movement, sponsored by Robert Brown in 1820 but had remained unexplained until then.
Albert Einstein was born into a Jewish family in 1879. He was the firstborn of Hermann Einstein and Pauline Koch. His mother, who knew how to play various musical instruments, inspires the musical passion that Einstein showed from a very young age. He was also greatly influenced by his uncle Jakob Einstein, an engineer, who gave him science books to read. In addition Jakob mounted with Einstein's father a workshop where they would carry out projects and technological experiments of the time and, although this one failed, Einstein grew impregnated with that restless spirit and lover of science.
He was a lonely child who devoted himself to study and concentrated and patient reading. He did not start talking until he was three years old and that, together with his character, made his parents even consider if that child suffered from an intellectual disability. Precisely Einstein always claimed that he believed he was able to develop the theory of relativity due to his late intellectual development since a normal adult does not ask about time and space, only when he is a child.
At the age of 4, during the course of an illness that caused him to rest in bed, his father gave him a pocket compass. For Einstein, according to his own words, this event would be decisive because he was fascinated by the fact that the needle always pointed in the same direction without being in contact with anything. That innate curiosity would be motivated and encouraged by his parents who educated him in perseverance and independence.
He was also influenced, during his youth, by a medical student named Talmud who brought him scientific books and philosophy books that Einstein read and understood passionately.
Einsten attended primary school in a Catholic school in Munich, where the family had moved a year after his birth, and obtained excellent grades, especially in science. The stage of the secondary one was harder for him and in 1895 he met with his family in Milan (Italy), where due to economic difficulties, his parents had moved with his little sister Maya. But Einstein had not finished high school and, although he tried to access the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich (Switzerland) through an exam, he could not because he did not pass a subject of "letters". Finally the following year he did obtain a bachelor's degree and at 17 years old, finally, he entered the Polytechnic of Zurich to study Physics. He graduated in 1900 and obtained the title of Professor of Mathematics and Physics.
Between 1902 and 1909 he obtained a fixed position in the patent office of Bern, in Switzerland and during this time he finished his doctorate. In that period, specifically in 1905, he published some articles of great relevance for science: on the photoelectric effect, on the Brownian movement and the theory of special relativity. These articles earned him a Ph.D., a teaching position in 1909 at the University of Bern, in 1914 a place at the Prussian Academy of Sciences, in Berlin, and in 1921 the Nobel Prize in Physics, but awarded for the effect photoelectric, since the Theory of Special and General Relativity (that perfected towards 1915) they raised controversy in the scientific world.
For the rest of his life and, although he had to live through two world wars during the second time when he emigrated to the United States forever, he devoted himself to science trying to find a unitary theory of gravitation and electromagnetism . Throughout his career, he gained worldwide fame and prestige as a scientist and the equation E = m · c 2 is perhaps one of the best known in physics.
Married twice and with two well-known children, he was an active advocate of pacifism, although he was also remembered for supporting (and not participating) the "Manhattan Project," a nuclear weapons development program in the US that would lead to the atomic bomb . But after the disaster of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he campaigned against nuclear weapons.
Einstein died in Princeton in 1955 leaving behind a scientific legacy that revolutionized the science of the 20th century and for the moment, probably of the 21st.