Inglés, pregunta formulada por sacray211, hace 18 horas

Based on the reading, find metaplasms with prosthesis, with epenthesis, with paragoge, by suppression, by syncopation and by metathesis.

Sometimes it's chemistry
Surely we have all heard of the "chemistry between people" since attraction and attachment, by far

Hard to admit, they don't just come from the heart. Love, simply put, is about how the other person

makes you feel, and this encompasses non-verbal reactions - synaptic (neurochemical) connections in our brain, to

despite how unromantic it sounds.

The invocation of the sensation of pleasure, sensuality and sexual arousal can be explained relatively

simplicity if you understand how the brain interprets and reacts to sexual stimuli. In this field of action,

two brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) play a critical role: dopamine and oxytocin

When a person is exposed to sexually arousing stimuli, certain neurochemical changes take place.

Our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in a large number of functions such as pleasure,

arousal, desire, and attraction, to name a few.

After the brain releases dopamine, the person is attracted to the subject to which he pays attention, and if

It is a sexual intercourse, before or during orgasm, oxytocin is triggered. Oxytocin is a

neurotransmitter that is associated with dopamine. When we relate to a person or an object, our

brain releases oxytocin. For example, oxytocin has been found to play an important role in the link

mother-baby, and even very recent studies have shown that the artificial administration of oxytocin makes

men more sensitive and helps autistic children to form social relationships.

When "love matures" and a stable couple is maintained, perhaps after "the honeymoon" has passed

(between a year and a half to four years), the brain acquires a tolerance to the stimulants of love and begins to

release endorphins. Endorphins are associated with feelings of attachment and comfort. They resemble the

opiates in a sense, as they calm anxiety, relieve pain and reduce stress.

Now let's look beyond the chemical reactions that occur in a love encounter. when they have

sexual relations, it should not be forgotten that, beyond a body, one has relations in many aspects with another

human being who thinks, has values, feelings, needs and desires. This therefore involves a lot

responsibility and maturity. It is necessary to reflect on whether we are really prepared to lead a sexual life

that guides us, in the future, to form a stable family and to remain with our partner after

many years, despite the fact that the "out of control hormones" of youth and their neurotransmitters have​

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There are from day ud but livening

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