ayuuudaaa que tengo que hacer :'v?
Respuestas a la pregunta
- WE are doctors.
- HE is ten years old.
- IT is a hat.
- THEY are books.
- Where is Ines? SHE is at school.
- what is this? IT is a bicycle.
- This is Carla. SHE is my friend.
- Where is the pen? IT is in my bag.
- WE are sisters.
- IT is a rabbit.
- HE is a good boy.
- Hello, I am Sam
- IT is a black cat.
- Where's the bird? IT is in the cage.
Choose the correct pronoun.
Elige el pronombre correcto.
En inglés, los pronombres son los siguientes, los anotaré conjugados con el verbo TO BE (SER O ESTAR).
I am (Yo soy, yo estoy)
You are (Tú eres, tú estas)
He is (Él es, él está)
She is (Ella es, ella está)
It is (Eso es, eso está)
We are (Nosotros somos/estamos)
You are (Ustedes son/están)
They are (Ellos/Ellas son/están)
Solo debes de identficar que conjugación del verbo TO BE (AM, ARE and IS) viene con cada pronombre (I, YOU, HE, SHE, IS, WE and THEY). Con la lista que te deje arriba te será facil resolver tu tarea :).
1) es el ejemplo
2) HE is ten years old
3) IT is a hat
4) THEY are books
5) Wher is Inés? SHE is at school
6)What is this? IT is a bycicle
7)This is Carla SHE is my friend
8)Where is the pen? IT is in my bag
9) WE are sisters
10) IT is a rabbit
11) HE is a good boy
12) hello I am Sam
13) IT is a black cat
14) Where is the Bird? IT is in the cagb