Inglés, pregunta formulada por destiny123, hace 10 meses

ayudenmeee... porfa xd


destiny123: :l
marcelalopeznina: espera
destiny123: ok
marcelalopeznina: en ingles?
destiny123: sip
destiny123: ya casi xd
marcelalopeznina: he puesto un abanse XD
destiny123: ya ??
marcelalopeznina: ya esta todo
marcelalopeznina: ya lo termine XP

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por marcelalopeznina


AD: Grande-Big

AC: pequeño- little

O: I have a little kitten

AD: bonito-pretty

AC: feo-ugly

O:  look at that, it's a cactus that ugly

AD: Publico-Public

AC: privado-private

O: the school where I study is private

AD: delgado-thin

AC: gordo-fat

O: don't eat too much you're going to be fat

AD: sucio-dirty

AC: limpio-clean

O:  I just finished mopping the floor this very clean

AD: dulce-sweet

AC: agrio-sour

O:  this lemon is sour

AD: bueno- good

AC: malo-bad

O:  that boy is bad he stole my things

AD: joven-young

AC: viejo-old

O:  that old man can hardly get up from his chair

AD: alto-tall

AC: bajo- low

O: that low man sells candy

AD: largo-long

AC: corto-short  

O:  that short stick is going to break

AD: interesante-interesting

AC: aburrido-boring

O:   this book is very boring

AD: horrible- horrible

AC: hermoso-beautiful

O:  this puppy is very beautiful

AD: pesado-heavy

AC: suave- afable

O:  this pen is very afable


adjetivo ( AD )

adjetivo comparativo (AC)

oracion (O)

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