Inglés, pregunta formulada por fideosndeah, hace 2 meses

ayudenme porfa , estoy por perder el año parte 2 :^​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por estrellasdelfuturo79


1. Complete the text.

1. did not listen

2. did not have

3. had

4. became

5. invented

6. made

7. loved

2. Write a Negative and an Affirmative sentence. Use Simple Past.

1. The Choir didn't perform in Madrid.

They performed in London.

2. We didn't watch DVD's

We went to the cinema.

3. She didn't have breakfast.

She had lunch.

4. They didn't play video games.

They listened to music.


Las Oraciones Afirmativas en Pasado Simple Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + Verbo en Pasado + Complemento.

Importante: Los Verbos Regulares se cambian a pasado agregándoles D o ED.

Los Verbos Irregulares cambian su forma.

Las Oraciones Negativas en Pasado Simple.

Sujeto + didn't + Verbo en forma base + Complemento.

Contestado por lunadpa1306



1.                                    2.

(1) didn't listened           (1) -The choir did performed in Madrid

(2) didn't had                 -The choir didn't performed in  London

(3) did had                     (2)-We didn't watched DVDs

(4) did became        -We did went to the cinema

(5) did invented            (3)-She did had breakfast

(6) did made                  -She didn't had lunch

(7) did loved                  (4)-They did played video games

                                          -they didn't listened to music

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