Inglés, pregunta formulada por Dianaasdfg08, hace 11 meses

Ayudenme por favor?.


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por kaendry94betancourt

Next Year I will…

be much better, I will be responsible, I will still be in the school, I will still go to music classes, I will still go to the medical course and I will be able to enter in the university.

What zodial sign are you?

I am scorpio.

Do you believe in predictions?

Yes, I believe in some predictions, but I think we can change our destiny.

How soon do you think you will…

  • buy a new house?

I probably will buy a new house in 5 five years.

  • sell something?

I probably will sell something in December.

  • receive great news?

I probably will receive great news next year.

  • travel abroad?

I probably will travel abroad in two years.

  • fall in love?

I definitely won’t fall in love.  

  • find a new job?

I probably will find a new job next year.

  • argue with someone?

I definitely won’t argue with anybody.

  • earn a lot of money?

I definitely will earn lot of money when I graduate.

  • win the lottery?

I probably will win the lottery in a few years.

  • learn a new language?

I definitely will learn a new language next year.

  • get a surprise?

I probably will get a surprise next year.

Listen on – Track 01 – The Language of Dreams!

  1. If you see a machete, you won’t express your anger in a productive way.
  2. If you’re dancing in your dream, you will celebrate an important event.
  3. If you see a baby, you will project an old interest or hoppy again.
  4. If you see a falcon in your dream, you will achieve your goal very soon.
  5. If in your dream you see garbage, you will get rid of your old negative habits.
  6. If you’re wearing a talisman in your dream, you will meet a person who will protect you for many years.

When I see my family happy in a dream, I will get up happy.

When I see someone crying in a dream, I won’t wake up in a good mood.

My best friend will ask me  if I see him in a dream.

My parents won’t be happy if I see someone dead in a dream.

If I see a pregnant woman in a dream, someone will get pregnant.

If I see lentils in a dream, someone won’t have money that day.

I will be extremely happy if I see you in a dream.

Read on – Your Horoscope

  1. Who won’t get along with new friends? Aries won’t get along with new friends.
  2. Who won’t travel abroad? Leo won’t travel abroad.
  3. Who will sell the house? Cancer will sell the house.
  4. Who will win the lottery? Libra will win the lottery.
  5. Who will find a new love? Scorpio will find a new love.
  6. Who will earn a lot of money? Capricorn will earn lot of money.
  7. Who won’t get married? Taurus won’t get married.
  8. Who will learn a new language? Pisces will learn a new language.
  9. Who will receive great news? Sagittarius will receive great news.
  10. Who won’t change jobs? Aquarius won’t change jobs.
  11. Who will move to a new house? Virgo will move to a new house.
  12. Who will adopt a pet? Gemini will adopt a pet.

Writing practice – Predict your future

Today, I’m sure I will study for a test.

This week, I probably will eat a hamburger.

In the next two months, I definitely won’t travel abroad.

In the next five years, maybe I won’t fall in love.

Espero sea útil.

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