Inglés, pregunta formulada por sophiecanela, hace 25 días

Ayúdenme plis es para hoy dos y Corona a la mejor


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por galamitas


Cook = cocinar

Prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by combining and heating the ingredients in various ways.

Clean = limpiar

If it is a verb, it means free from dirt, marks, or stains.

Exercise = Ejercitar

Talking about sports, it is an activity that requires physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.

Study = Estudiar

The devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge

Eat = Comer

Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it

Sleep = Dormir

A condition of body and mind that typically recurs for several hours every night

Watch = Mirar

look at or observe something

Play = Jugar o tocar

Activity for enjoyment and recreation

Ride = Montar (Mas usado en sentido de transporte. Como tomar el autobus, usar una bicicleta, igualmente tiene su sentido de "montar" como montar un caballo)

To travel or move by sitting or standing on any conveyance


Arriba se encuentra la traducción y el significado, como dice la orden de la actividad en inglés. Sin embargo la parte en español pide los verbos en pasado, aqui los dejo por si acaso:

Cook = cooked

clean = cleaned

Exercise = exercised

Study = Studied

Eat = Ate

Sleep = Slept

Watch = Watched

Play = Played

Ride = Rode

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