ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa es para mañana y estoy desesperado
Realizar una oración de manera simple con los verbos que se les dará a
continuación. Esa oraciones que realice en pasado simple, la transformaras luego a
pregunta y la responderás de manera negativa
Go / buy / cry / travel / write / eat / work / be
Respuestas a la pregunta
Go en pasado es Went
He went to the movie with his wife last night.
Did he go to the movie with his wife last night?
No, he didn't go to the movie with his wife last night.
Buy en pasado as bought
She bought a new car yesterday.
Did she buy a new car yesterday?
No, she didn't buy a new car yesterday.
Cry eb pasado es cried
The baby cried last night.
Did baby cry last night?
No, the baby didn't cry last night
Travel pasado traveled
They traveled to Paris in their last vacation.
Did they travel to Paris in their last vacation?
No, they didn't travel to Paris in their last vacation
Write en pasado Wrote
I wrote a wonderful novel one year ago.
Did you write a wonderful novel one year ago?
No, I didn't write a wonderful novel one year ago
Eat pasado ate
You ate a big hot dog yesterday
Did you eat a big hot dog yesterday?
No,.ypu didn't eat a big hot dog yesterday.
Work en pasado es worked
My father worked in the Hospital three years ago
Did your father work in the Hospital three years ago?
No, my father didn't work in the Hospital three years ago
Be (presente Am, Is, Are) en pasado Was / Were
The children were at home with their parents yesterday
Were the children at home with their parents yesterday?
No, the children weren't at home with their parents yesterday