Inglés, pregunta formulada por gerrardpenaguerrero1, hace 11 días

ayudaaaaaa porfavor es de inglés​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por juliana122478


oraciones de niños de cinco años JSJDKAJAKAJ


1-my house is clean

2- my dad works in a store

3- she plays with her dog

4-I study a lot at school

5- I drink juice

6- You do a lot of hard work.

7-She has to make the beds.

8- I'll take my jacket and purse

9- I go to school every morning.

10-I read interesting stories in my room.

11- If. you. like. history. this. is. an. interesting. place. to. visit. . ..

12- I like to eat ice cream

13- He's teaching the children to swim.

14-I'm going to cut my notebook

15-Would you like a glass of water?

me cansé sorry :(

gerrardpenaguerrero1: te falta
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