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Respuesta: actividadd 1 tiene que leer la lectura
actividad 2
tiene que escribir la palabra del vocabulario abajo en la linea de cada imagen asi
imagen 1 es turismo de aventura-adventure tourism
la imagen 2 es turismo cultural-cultural tourism
la imagen 3 es ecoturismo-ecotourism
la imagen 4 es turismo culinario-culinary tourism
actividad 3 despues de leer la lectura conteste las preguntas
1RA RESPUESTA es" because before it was difficult to travel those who lived in the mountains did not go down to the sea there where no hotels or hostles to stay to enojy their culture and gastronomy ."
3ra RESPUESTA es "because before transportation was very slow and uncomfortable and the worst was expensive."because businessmen started building shelters hoteles buses improved there where trains planes began to transpot tourists all that change in 19th century
2DA RESPUESTA ES"tranportation was very bad before they where slow and umcorfontabe and or worse they were expansive
4ta RESPUESTA ES"today we cant travel by plane by car in boats etc because they are aready good they go fast they are heap."
Explicación: listo espero que es guste perdon por a tardanza