ayuda porfavor lo necesito para hoy
Respuestas a la pregunta
Afraid: more afraid - most afraid
Bad: worse - the worst
Big: bigger - the biggest
Bored: more bored - most bored
Boring: more boring - the most boring
Brave: braver - bravest
Busy: busier - busiest
Carefully: more carefully - most carefully
Cheap: cheaper - the cheapest
Chubby: chubbier - chubbiest
Cold: colder - coldest
Complete: completer - completest
Dangerous: more dangerous - most dangerous
Dark: darker - darkest
Difficult: more difficult - the most difficult
Dirty: dirtier - the dirtiest
Early: earlier - earliest
Easy: easier - the easiest
Expensive: more expensive - most expensive
Friendly: friendlier - more friendly
Funny: funnier - funniest
Good: better - best
Hard: harder - the hardest
Heavy: heavier - the heaviest
Honest: more honest - most honest
Hot: hotter - the hottest
Hungry: hungrier - the hungriest
Important: more important - most important
Interesting: more interesting - most interesting
Large: larger - the largest
Late: later - latest
Long: longer - the longest
Narrow: narrower - the narrowest
Nervous: more nervous - the most nervous
Nice: nicer - the nicest
Messy: messier - the messiest
Old: older - oldest
Political: more political - most political
Pretty: prettier - the prettiest
Sad: sadder - saddest
Small: smaller - smallest
Short: shorter - the shortest
Soft: softer - the softest
Sweet: sweeter - the sweetest
Tall: taller - tallest
Terrible: terribler - terriblest
Tiny: tinier - tiniest
Talkative: more talkative - most talkative
Useful: more useful - most useful
Young: younger - the youngest
Wide: wider - widest
Lazy: lazier - laziest
Selfish: selfisher - most selfish
Creative: more creative - most creative
Fast: faster - fastest